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The video presentation on this page will show you some great tips on how to lose your stomach fat and get lean flat abs while doing kickboxing. This isn't any kind of gimmick... This is a full body workouts that stimulate the burning of stubborn abdominal fat, get faster, stronger and most importantly -- the mindset tricks that you NEED in order to maintain your own perfect body for the long term. Remember: Watch the entire video, as the end will surprise you!
Download The Video Below |
View on your computer or burn to DVD, or transfer it to your iPad, iPod, iPhone, or portable media player.
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How Does It Works? Easy
All New- The "Kickboxing Heavy Bag Workout":
4 Key Reasons This Workout Is The Greatest Fitness Tool You Could Ever Own:
1- You'll Melt Away Fat "MMA Style" As You Punch And Kick Your Way To A Shredded Core In This Challenging Improv Elite Level Workout.
2- Get Ready To Bring The Power As You Sculpt Lean Muscle And Upper And Lower Body Definition With Extra Focus On Your Chest, Back, Legs, Butt, Biceps, Abs, Core, Shoulders And Triceps.
3- Burn Fat And Improve Athletic Performance With This Sweat-Drenching Explosive Plyometric Full-Body Workout.
4- Want Killer Abs? Do This Workout! Carve Your Upper, Middle, And Lower Abs, And Hit Those "Love Handles" At The Same Time!
4 Key Reasons This Workout Is The Greatest Fitness Tool You Could Ever Own:
1- You'll Melt Away Fat "MMA Style" As You Punch And Kick Your Way To A Shredded Core In This Challenging Improv Elite Level Workout.
2- Get Ready To Bring The Power As You Sculpt Lean Muscle And Upper And Lower Body Definition With Extra Focus On Your Chest, Back, Legs, Butt, Biceps, Abs, Core, Shoulders And Triceps.
3- Burn Fat And Improve Athletic Performance With This Sweat-Drenching Explosive Plyometric Full-Body Workout.
4- Want Killer Abs? Do This Workout! Carve Your Upper, Middle, And Lower Abs, And Hit Those "Love Handles" At The Same Time!
Juan Lose 50 pounds in 5 Months. (Update 68 pounds In Nine Month)
+ Free Bonus 2 Videos + 3 Mp3 Classes
NOTE: Michael Andreula's Maniac Kickboxing Heavy Bag Workout is a downloadable Video or a DVD physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the Video and all the bonus classes onto your computer, iPad, iPhone, or burn it to DVD. The Video format is Mp4, which can be viewed on any desktop Mac or PC. You can use this on ipads and mobile devices.
The "Maniac Kickboxing Workout":

4 Key Reasons This Raw And Uncut Workout Will Help You Lose Fat:
1- Based On The Original MMA Combat Techniques Developed In Thailand, This Workout Uses Stand-Up Striking Along With Knock-Out Kicks That Will Reshape Your Entire Body And Burn Fat Maniac Style!
2- You'll Look Forward To Starting Your Maniac Workout With The Dynamic Warm-Up; A Stretching-Based, Yoga Warmup. We Have Developed This Exclusive Routine To Prime Your Body For To Reach Your Next Level.
3- My Goal Is To Get You A Rock Hard Body. The Moves Are Designed To Get That Firm, Toned And Lean Look. You'll Get The Benefits Of Looking Like An MMA Fighter- Without Having To Take A Single Hit!
4- This Non-Stop Workout Will Take You Through High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Specifically Designed To Melt Away Fat And Carve A Lean, Chiseled Body As You Train Like A Maniac With This Signature Workout.
1- Based On The Original MMA Combat Techniques Developed In Thailand, This Workout Uses Stand-Up Striking Along With Knock-Out Kicks That Will Reshape Your Entire Body And Burn Fat Maniac Style!
2- You'll Look Forward To Starting Your Maniac Workout With The Dynamic Warm-Up; A Stretching-Based, Yoga Warmup. We Have Developed This Exclusive Routine To Prime Your Body For To Reach Your Next Level.
3- My Goal Is To Get You A Rock Hard Body. The Moves Are Designed To Get That Firm, Toned And Lean Look. You'll Get The Benefits Of Looking Like An MMA Fighter- Without Having To Take A Single Hit!
4- This Non-Stop Workout Will Take You Through High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Specifically Designed To Melt Away Fat And Carve A Lean, Chiseled Body As You Train Like A Maniac With This Signature Workout.
Bonus #1-
Ultimate Live Workout:

Kickboxing Workout Training
Video | Dvd
No Weights. No Pull-Ups. Pure Muscle. This Extreme Conditioning Workout Will Get You That Ripped Up Ultimate Body You Want.
When We Say This Workout Is EXTREME-- We Mean It. It's A High Impact, Intense, Challenging Cardio Workout That Will Make You Earn It With Sweat!
You Will Be Turning Heads After Just A Few Sessions Of This Leg-Burning, Booty-Lifting, Upper-Body Shredding, Back-Sculpting Workout.
Good Bye Spare Tire. Hello Six-Pack! A Special 10 Minute Ab-Blasting Finale Rounds Out This Workout.
Bonus #2-
My Best Selling iTunes Workout- "Complete Mobile Workout Series"

This Is Worth The Entire Price on it's own! These Three Completely Mobile Workouts In Mp3 Format Give You The Freedom To Bring Fitness's Greatest Motivator Anywhere With You In Your Mobile Device.
...How much is one outstanding workout worth to your life?
...How much is one outstanding workout worth to your life?
- Suppose you could simply press 'PLAY', grab your gloves or some hand weights, and immediately get a top-notch, results-driven, kickboxing, boxing, and cross-training workout...
- Envision a workout that could transport you to the next level of your fitness training in just one session, improve your kickboxing and cross-training technique, while still leaving plenty of room for unlimited growth… Well, here it is.
You Get The Complete Collection
5 Videos Plus 3 Mp3 Mobile Classes!
The Kickboxing Heavy Bag Workout(Full Class)
Ultimate Live Class Bonus Striking Tutorial(Full Class with Bonus)
The Maniac Kickboxing Workout(Video)
Strikers Orientation (Bonus)
Dynamic Warmup (Bonus)
My Best Selling iTunes Workout- "Complete Mobile Workout Series"
Boxing Conditioning Workout.mp3
Kickboxing ConditioningWorkout.mp3
MMA Kickboxing Boxing Conditioning Workout.mp3
Straight Blast Attack Round Conditioning Workout.mp3
CrossTraining Core Dynamic Conditioning Workout.mp3
Kickboxing Boxing FreeStyle Call Out Striking.mp3
Crush It Elite Attack Round mp3
3000 Workout (Mp3)
Elite Kickboxing Weight Training Fusion mp3
The Full Power Striking Highest Level mp3
Solid Core Conditioning mp3
Get It All With An Instant Click
This is a non-stop, heart-pumping, calorie-torching workout. Got a a heavy bag hanging unused in your home? Time to take advantage of this insane training tool that will allow you to 'super-charge' your workout! Tired of all the workout DVD's that use flat, studio set ups to film their workouts? Sick of staring at paid professional models demonstrating moves?Step into my class. I bring you directly into a real, legit kickboxing class complete with real people and real energy. I use the pace of the class to push you to your potential and keep the workout at the optimum level. This is a conditioning workout that focuses on burning massive amounts of energy and developing your sense of balance, power, speed, and 'Improv Striking' (IS) which is a key focus in my class. You'll develop the ability to strike without thinking- your body will react to a situation immediately.This is where the magic happens... As your strikes get faster and more powerful, your body fat begins to melt off and you'll start to see muscles you never realized you had! You'll be "Crushing It!"! This is the key to transforming your body, and it's NEVER BEEN AVAILABLE in your own home UNTIL NOW!!!You'll get:Instant access to a class that is designed to enhance your heavy bag workout whether you're a K-1 Champion or a kickboxing-cross training enthusiast. It's all here. I have designed and developed this class to burn the most amount of energy with the least amount of effort. Yes. With "The Least Amount Of Effort"-- Of course, your body will be exerting great effort while it's torching bodyfat. But your mind won't! I promise you won't be wondering how much time you have left while you're taking THIS class! That's because I've carefully designed the language of the class to put your mind on auto-pilot and your body in overdrive! You've never felt ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE--
This is a non-stop, heart-pumping, calorie-torching workout. Got a a heavy bag hanging unused in your home? Time to take advantage of this insane training tool that will allow you to 'super-charge' your workout! Tired of all the workout DVD's that use flat, studio set ups to film their workouts? Sick of staring at paid professional models demonstrating moves?Step into my class. I bring you directly into a real, legit kickboxing class complete with real people and real energy. I use the pace of the class to push you to your potential and keep the workout at the optimum level. This is a conditioning workout that focuses on burning massive amounts of energy and developing your sense of balance, power, speed, and 'Improv Striking' (IS) which is a key focus in my class. You'll develop the ability to strike without thinking- your body will react to a situation immediately.This is where the magic happens... As your strikes get faster and more powerful, your body fat begins to melt off and you'll start to see muscles you never realized you had! You'll be "Crushing It!"! This is the key to transforming your body, and it's NEVER BEEN AVAILABLE in your own home UNTIL NOW!!!You'll get:Instant access to a class that is designed to enhance your heavy bag workout whether you're a K-1 Champion or a kickboxing-cross training enthusiast. It's all here. I have designed and developed this class to burn the most amount of energy with the least amount of effort. Yes. With "The Least Amount Of Effort"-- Of course, your body will be exerting great effort while it's torching bodyfat. But your mind won't! I promise you won't be wondering how much time you have left while you're taking THIS class! That's because I've carefully designed the language of the class to put your mind on auto-pilot and your body in overdrive! You've never felt ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE--
Get The Just Kickboxing Heavy Bag Workout Now!(Click The Link Below) Or Read More For The Package...
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